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- Oct. 23, 2023Event/Seminar
- Abstract of lecture (held on 11 Oct) by lecturer dispatch service has been posted. (Abstract is available only in Japanese.)
- Nov. 29, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol.75, No.12 December Published]
- Oct. 27, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol.75, No.11 November Published]
- Sep. 27, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol.75, No.10 October Published]
- Aug. 29, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol.75, No.9 September Published]
- Jul. 27, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol.75, No.8 August Published]
- Jun. 27, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol.75, No.7 July Published]
- May. 27, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol. 75, No.6 June Published]
- Apr. 27, 2022Publications
- The Journal of Antibiotics [Vol. 75, No.5 May Published]
- Mar. 30, 2022Notices
- Website Renewal